Friday, April 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Is Your Vision Good Enough To Spot The Odd One?

The challenge below is a typical example of what my friends and I usually send to each other. You need to find the emoji that’s different from the rest in the picture. Focus all your senses.
Here’s the picture. Can you find the odd one out?

See more:
Can You Find The Odd Object Out In These Pictures?
Mind-Bending Matchstick Puzzles

Let’s begin

1. Odd one out

2. Can you find the odd one out?

3. Spot the odd one

Did you find all the answers? How long did it take? So far so good? Are your eyes getting tired now?

4. Spot the odd one!

5. Find the odd one out






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Were you able to find all the answers? If you got 100%, You totally nailed this super tricky test! Your attention to detail is impeccable and you have amazing cognitive abilities! Nothing goes past you unnoticed! You made it! Awesome.

Let your friends give this a try!

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