Friday, May 3, 2024

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50++ Inspirational Words of Wisdom Dalai Lama Quotes That Lead Your Life.

“We tend to think that happiness comes from money and power, without acknowledging the role of the mind or that the key to happiness is inner peace. When we are mentally distressed, physical comfort brings little relief, whereas we can often withstand physical pain if we are mentally at peace,” writes in Dalai Lama’s book.

Known for his wise words about all aspects of life, the Dalai Lama has become one of the most beloved and significant spiritual leaders in this recent century. Full of inspiration and compassion, he has devoted his life to promoting world peace and building bridges between dividing countries and environmental causes.

Here are 50++ Inspirational Words of Wisdom Dalai Lama Quotes That’ll Go Straight to Your Heart and Lead Your Life…

“Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from your own actions.” - Dalai Lama
“Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

Quotes to keep “Healthy Mind”

1. “As you breathe in, cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all beings.”

2. “Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.”

3. “We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.”

4. “Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from your own actions.”

5. “Although you may not always be able to avoid difficult situations, you can modify the extent to which you can suffer by how you choose to respond to the situation.”

6. “When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it also helps us to develop inner happiness and peace.”

7. “Whether one is rich or poor, educated or illiterate, religious or non-believing, man or woman, black, white, or brown, we are all the same. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, we are all equal. We all share basic needs for food, shelter, safety, and love. We all aspire to happiness and we all shun suffering. Each of us has hopes, worries, fears, and dreams. Each of us wants the best for our family and loved ones. We all experience pain when we suffer loss and joy when we achieve what we seek. On this fundamental level, religion, ethnicity, culture, and language make no difference.”

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9. “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.”

10. “We begin from the recognition that all beings cherish happiness and do not want to suffer. It then becomes both morally wrong and pragmatically unwise to pursue only one’s own happiness oblivious to the feelings and aspirations of all others who surround us as members of the same human family. The wiser course is to think of others when pursuing our own happiness.”

11. “Sleep is the best meditation.”

12. “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”

13. “As people alive today, we must consider future generations: a clean environment is a human right like any other. It is, therefore, part of our responsibility toward others to ensure that the world we pass on is as healthy, if not healthier than we found it.”

14. “Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant of an impression by remaining silent.”

15. “Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before.”

Quotes for Happy Life…

“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.”-Dalai Lama
“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.”-Dalai Lama

20 Deep Quotes to Lead You During Life’s Greatest Challenges.

16. “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.”

17. “The topic of compassion is not at all religious business; it is important to know it is human business, it is a question of human survival.”

18. “Let us try to recognize the precious nature of each day.”

19. “I believe compassion to be one of the few things we can practice that will bring immediate and long-term happiness to our lives. I’m not talking about the short-term gratification of pleasures like sex, drugs, or gambling (though I’m not knocking them), but something that will bring true and lasting happiness. The kind that sticks.”

20. “The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self.”

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”

22. “Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key is to develop inner peace.”

23. “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

24. “Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.”

25. “The true hero is one who conquers his own anger and hatred.”

26. “What surprises me most is “Man” because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn’t enjoy the present; The result being he doesn’t live in the present or the future; He lives as if he’s never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived.”

27. “Love and Compassion are the true religions to me. But to develop this, we do not need to believe in any religion.”

Quotes for Love…

“Love is the absence of judgment.”
“Love is the absence of judgment.”

28. “Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.”

29. “Someone else’s action should not determine your response.”

30. “I find hope in the darkest days, and focus in the brightest.”

31. “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

32. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”

33. “Love is the absence of judgment.”

34. “Through violence, you may ‘solve’ one problem, but you sow the seeds for another.”

35. “It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others.”

36. “When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.”

37. “I defeat my enemies when I make them my friends.”

 “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”

39. “Our ancient experience confirms at every point that everything is linked together, everything is inseparable.”

40. “Someone else’s action should not determine your response.”

41. “Anger is the ultimate destroyer of your own peace of mind.”

42. “The more you are motivated by love, The more fearless & free your actions will be.”

43. “There is only one important point you must keep in your mind and let it be your guide. No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us, not even the Buddha. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life?”

44. “We are the controller of technology. If we become slaves to technology, then that’s not good.”

45. “Compassion naturally creates a positive atmosphere, and as a result, you feel peaceful and content.”

“We all have the power of thought—so what are you lacking? If you have willpower, then you can change anything.”-Dalai Lama
“We all have the power of thought—so what are you lacking? If you have willpower, then you can change anything.”-Dalai Lama
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46. “An open heart is an open mind.”

47. “Time passes unhindered. When we make mistakes, we cannot turn the clock back and try again. All we can do is use the present well.”

48. “Those who have little interest in spirituality shouldn’t think that human inner values don’t apply to you. The inner peace of an alert and calm mind are the source of real happiness and good health. Our human intelligence tells us which of our emotions are positive and helpful and which are damaging and to be restrained or avoided.”

49. “I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable to you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is of no use, then you can discard it.”50. “In order to carry out a positive action we must develop a positive vision.”

51. “Most people prefer a smile to a frown. It’s human nature. Even dogs respond with wagging tails to a smile and other shows of affection.”

 “Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility…without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed, or unhappy because of circumstances.”

53. “We all have the power of thought—so what are you lacking? If you have willpower, then you can change anything.”

54. “You must not hate those who do wrong or harmful things; but with compassion, you must do what you can to stop them — for they are harming themselves, as well as those who suffer from their actions.”

55. “Optimism doesn’t mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation. It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise.”

56. “Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.”

57. “Happiness doesn’t always come from a pursuit. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it.”

58. “Hard times build determination and inner strength. Through them, we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger. Instead of getting angry, nurture a deep caring and respect for troublemakers because by creating such trying circumstances they provide us with invaluable opportunities to practice tolerance and patience.”

59. “When we are motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of our actions benefit everyone, not just our individual selves or some immediate convenience. When we are able to recognize and forgive ignorant actions of the past, we gain strength to constructively solve the problems of the present.”

Indeed, Among thousands Dalai Lama’s quotes, I keep in my mind this: ” Scientists have evidence to prove that basic human nature is compassionate. They have also found the opposite, that constant anger and hatred weaken our immune system. Therefore, just as we teach people physical hygiene to help preserve their physical health, for a happy and peaceful mind, we need to teach people about emotional hygiene— how to tackle their destructive emotions.”

It’s good to remember that other human beings are like us. We are born the same way; we die the same way.If you concern yourself with taking care of others, there’ll be no room for lies, bullying, and cheating. When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it also helps us to develop inner happiness and peace…


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